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With your help, New Mexican families will no longer have to choose between a paycheck and their well-being.

Why Paid Leave?

Paid leave is good for families, good for business, and good for our economy.

The New Mexico Paid Family & Medical Leave Act (PFMLA) would create a program, administered by the state of New Mexico, to provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave for employees to care for a new child, a family member with a serious health concern, or their own medical condition.

The United States is the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee paid leave for workers. In the absence of national action, 13 states (and D.C.) have successfully fought and won paid leave. New Mexico has the opportunity to be the next state.

We have until March to convince New Mexico’s state legislators to pass paid leave. Contact them now to urge them to pass the Paid Family & Medical Leave Act — we’ve made it simple to do with a pre-filled email that you can send directly to your legislators.

Paid Leave Benefits

Economic Resiliency & Growth
Increases workforce participation for family caregivers, mothers, and individuals with chronic health conditions.
Improves Our Families Health
Improves mental, physical, and financial well-being of parents and helps to reduce infant mortality, child abuse injuries & nursing home usage.
Supports New Mexicans in Rural Areas
Enables more rural New Mexicans to participate in the workforce while addressing health concerns and/or providing caregiving to family members.

Paid Leave Is Good for Business


Full-time workers would switch jobs if they were offered better benefits, like paid leave.1


Employees would be more loyal to employers that offer access to paid parental leave.2


Reduction in employee turnover among working moms with access to 12 weeks paid leave.2


Small business owners agree that businesses have a more cohesive team when turnover is lower.3


Asked Questions

How does Paid Family and Medical Leave work?
  • The Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) Fund is managed by the Department of Workforce Solutions and is funded by contributions from both employees and employers.
  • Employers with fewer than five employees are not required to contribute to the employer portion, though their employees may still contribute and participate in the program.
  • Employees become eligible to receive a percentage of their average weekly wages for up to 12 weeks after making contributions for at least six months.
  • Self-employed individuals have the option to voluntarily enroll in the program.
  • Benefits are paid directly from the PFML Fund, providing support to both employees and employers.
How does PFML benefit New Mexicans living in rural areas?
  • Healthier Pregnancies: Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PFMLA) promotes healthier pregnancies and improved birth outcomes.
  • Flexibility for Specialty Care: Intermittent leave provides the flexibility needed to access specialty care without compromising job security.
  • Boosted Workforce Participation: PFMLA helps rural New Mexicans stay engaged in the workforce while managing health needs or caregiving responsibilities.
  • Enhanced Pediatric Care Access: The program improves access to family support for hospitalized children, particularly in areas with long travel distances.
How does PFML work for small and medium-sized businesses in New Mexico?
  • The Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) Fund is managed by the Department of Workforce Solutions and is funded by contributions from both employees and employers.
  • Employers with fewer than five employees are not required to contribute to the employer portion, though their employees may still contribute and participate in the program.
  • Employees become eligible to receive a percentage of their average weekly wages for up to 12 weeks after making contributions for at least six months.
  • Employers with fewer than five employees are not required to make the employer contribution to the fund.
  • Contributions to the fund are designed so that employers pay approximately $4 for every $1,000 in wages, while employees contribute $5 for every $1,000 in wages.
Where can I get more information?
  • Check out New Mexico Paid Family & Medical Leave Coalition’s website.
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